ARK Series

Digital Processors

The ARK-70 and ARK-20 are the latest in the series of digital processors designed, assembled and manufactured by Lynx Pro Audio offering 7 different models with 2 or 4 inputs each and with up to 8 outputs (analogue or digital and Ethersound optional).

Double Dynamics are standard in all ARK-70 models. An RMS limiter is used to adjust the transducer reproduction level, maintaining the original dynamics whilst at the same time respecting the original transients and achieving a better acoustical result. A Peak limiter controls the movement of the speaker, protecting it from any damage and also reducing distortion caused by over-excursion. These double dynamics lower levels of distortion and provide protection for all the speaker components and internal electronics.



With 0.67ms fixed latency the ARK-70 is one of the lowest latency processors available. All ARK units deliver a wide dynamic range of 120dB, high performance Cirrus Logic AD & DA 24bit converters running at 96kHZ. The internal DSP processing works with double precision in floating point, achieving an internal resolution of 56 bits, one of the largest resolutions available on the market today. This enables the use of high precision filters with extremely low distortion delivering unbeatable sound clarity and quality.

The ARK-70 offer atmospheric compensation – essential when working outdoors where temperature and humidity varies considerably between night and day causing noticeable loss in high frequency, especially at long distances. Each output can be configured separately depending on the throw required from each cabinet.

Digital processors are not easy to use. For that reason the ARK software has been designed for fast user access to make each processing zone simpler for the user. The Compare function option enables the user to listen to the difference between 2 complete set ups in real time with no fade-ins or fade-outs. As well as being able to import measurement curves from the principal systems (SMAART LIVE, CLIO, SAT Live etc), they can also be seen directly in the final frequency response window showing the effects of the process applied. All ARK processors can be configured and monitored in real time by USB or ETHERNET.

All ARK units can import/export complete channel parameters from/to the Rainbow Prediction Software. This enables the user to apply a complete signal process with just one click.

Security features include different levels of access restrictions which can be administered via global password and preset password with the option of choosing which processing zones can be modified or not. The front panel can also be blocked denying any access.

Each input has up to 29 filters of Parametric EQ which can be switched to Graphic EQ. Each output also has Parametric EQ which can be chosen between adaptable or constant Q, All Pass, Band Pass, Notch, HP Q, LP Q or High and low Shelvs providing flexibility. Moreover, crossover filters with high and low cuts of Linkwitz Riley, Bessel, Butterworth up to 48 dB/oct slopes in 6 dB steps are available. A 6 dB/octave slope, for instance, corresponding to a first order filter, allows for frequency shading.

Other features include polarity, gain and delay on ins and outs, routing of any input to any output and a signal generator with sine and noise (pink or white).



Technical Data



PEQ IN Filters (per way)29 GEQ or 29 PEQ29 GEQ
PEQ OUT Filters (per way)99
CrossoverUp to 48dB/octUp to 48dB/oct
Input Delay (meters)7020
Output Delay (meters)77
 RMS Limiter / Compressor (per output)
 Peak Limiter (per output)
 Atmospheric compensation
Noise Gate
Phase Inversion
Signal Generator
Speaker Data Import
Security OptionsGlobal Password, 4 Security Levels, Restricted zones per  PresetGlobal Password, 4 Security Levels, Restricted zones per  Preset
Complete Real Time ControlHardware & SoftwareHardware & Software
Export & Import EQ Files
LanguageSpanish, EnglishSpanish, English
Digital AES/EBUOptional
Dynamic Range AD120 dB120 dB
Dynamic Range DA120 dB120 dB
Latency0.67 ms0.67 ms
THD+N <0.0018% <0.0018%
DSP Internal Process56 bit56 bit
Display LCD24×224×2
Encoders31 with Push button
Navigation Buttons5
Mute / Edit Buttons
Level Meters (per way)7 Leds2 Leds

More features

Main Screen

From the main screen you can clearly see the complete process schematics. From just one point you can view the crossover curves, equalization, input route, gain level, mutes, solos and phase inversions. Intuitively and quickly you can see how the preset responds without having to enter in to numerous screens.


Pantalla principal_IN


From the main screen or the gain window you can adjust the levels of each output and input as well as mute activation, solo or phase inversion. You can also link the gains desired to move simultaneously, either relatively or identically.




There are two delay lines for inputs and an alignment line for each output designed to correct the positioning differences of the speakers and align cabinets.



Double Dynamics - RMS & Peak

RMS Limiter

In every output a sophisticated RMS compressor/limiter is available. They are type C.R.I. (Continuous Ratio Increment) resulting in extremelly low distortion.

An RMS detector algorithim is used to obtain a very high compression. The audio system is able to gradually reach its maximum power level and the sound will be perfectly clear and clean at all times avoiding typical problems caused by standard limiters whilst maintaing the intended original sound. To adjust the limiter the user can input the amplification gain as well as the power handling and speaker impedance connected to the output.

A viewfinder will display the power that is being applied to the selected speaker. A NOISE GATE is also available which will respond with the same timing fixed as the main dynamic and from which the user can select different noise thresholds to delete.


Peak Limiter

Only available in the ARK-70 models.

In every output a Peak limiter is also available which controls the movements of the speaker with a peak tension indicator which reaches the speaker, protecting it from any damage and also reducing distortion caused by over-excursion.



Window from where input and output level is monitored in real time.

This features helps check whether the system is limiting/compressing and at what dB. It also shows if the imputs or outputs are clipping.



Each input has a 29 filter graphic equalizer with ‘Classic Q’ and ‘Intelligent Q’ options which based on a unique ARK algorithim achieves a smoother and acoustically optimized curve. The ARK-70 models are also able to choose between 29 band Graphic EQ or use the 29 filters in Parametric mode, with all the flexibility this offers. It can also import or export individual GEQ / PEQ curves.




In order to configure the crossover filters , Butterworth, Bessel filters are available with 6, 12, 24,30, 36, 42 & 48 dB/oct and Linkwitz Riley with 12, 24, 36 & 48 dB/oct in both sections, Low-pass and high-pass type.



Each output has 9 parametric equalization filters available. These are second order and you can choose between parametric filters, high and low shelving, high-pass and low-pass filters (with or without Q control), band-pass, reject band and also all-pass. All the filters are easily configurable from the processor or with the software. It also includes an option to link the PEQ from the selected outputs and import or export equalization curves independently, useful for using with other configurations.


Security options

ARK processors offer many security features: From complete system password blocking to limited restriction levels

Level 0: No restrictions.
Level 1: Only allows preset changes.
Level 2: Only allows mute modification.
Level 3: Only allows preset changes and mute modification.
Level 4: Bloks all the front panel controls.

In each preset the access to any function (EQ, crossover etc) can also be disabled by applying a preset password.


Import Data

The ARK is able to import real speaker measurements in magnitude and phase according to frequency.

Data import is possible from main systems such as: CLIO, Smaart Live, Audio Precission, Linear X LMS, SAT Live, Spectralab, DAAS 32, MLSSA, Acoustilyzer, CALSOD, WINAIR.

In the Final Response window the effects of the filters applied to the speaker curve can also be viewed and all the parameters can be adjusted until the desired curve is obtained.



Atmospheric Compensation

Only available for ARK-70 models.

Important function for outdoor events to compensate for air absorption loss caused over distance. By indicating the temperature, relative humidity and distance to compensate the software will automatically calculate the curve loss with the frequency and will reverse the effect so as to compensate.


Very effective and impressive tool.

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