LX-V12 demos

LX-V12 demos

Various distributors and customers came to Valencia between 7th and 9th November for demonstrations of the new LX-V12 Line array. The LX-V12 is the largest of the three LX series arrays and this was the first time they could hear the system.

 [ezcol_1half]Lx-v12-array[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Lxv12-array[/ezcol_1half_end]

Amongst the visitors, the following comments are available:

Gunnar Naas, Managing Director of Pro stage, Lynx’s distributor for Norway said,

“I knew the system would sound good and the demonstration left me more than satisfied . There is so much pressure coming from those boxes and the sound is so clear. Lynx have designed a very special line array with the LX-V12”.

 [ezcol_1half]Lx-demo[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]rearpanel-arrays[/ezcol_1half_end]

“It’s like a wall of sound with tremendous sound pressure hitting you. This is the first time I heard such a large system to play as loud but still have such a comfortable and defined sound. A big system for the big boys!”

Gunnar Naas, Pro Stage, Norway


“we are impressed. 135 dB at 22m distance is outstanding and there are no signs of the system being at its limit. The clarity and precision of the V12 is impressive. An extremelly well performing system. The LX-V12 is loud, clear and very easy to use. The demonstration more than fullfiled our expectations.”

Henning Lodberg, LydBureaut, Denmark


“Such a powerful and clear system with no distortion even when pushed hard. The pressure was so impressive that I can’t remember when I heard a system such as this. Wonderful”

Luis Nunes, Leinunes Audio, Angola

Collaboration with Powersoft

Collaboration with Powersoft

Lynx Pro Audio has reached an agreement to collaborate with Powersoft by using their latest generation of power module amplifiers in LX Series and ADP Series cabinets. This has enabled us to incoropate more power in our cabinets and achieve superior levels of sound production.

The LX-V12 and LX-318HC will start production using 4 channel Digimod 3000 PFC (Power Factor Correction). With PFC the power supply regulates itself when AC mains change, so the amp power output will not change with mains swinging.This system is also very environmentally friendly with a reduction of approximately 40% of current draw.